Veteran's Day 2016 at Nixa High School
This video was the reason why I knew I loved interviewing people. The amount of stories I heard from a number of veterans absolutely astounded me. I was having a blast just being there, let alone recording it all. When it came to editing this video in the beginning of my senior year of high school, the job was made very easy because of the amazing interviews. This was one of my proudest achievements in high school, and I will never forget the stories told to me by these brave men who served our country. This is another older video of mine, but still one I cherish.
Introductory Video for Incoming Freshman at Nixa High School
I was assigned this project during my senior year of high school. I conducted interviews with over 100 different people within the high school, students and faculty alike. Though this was done on an inferior editing setup and is fairly old compared to my other projects, I still find it to be a helpful piece for anyone transitioning from junior high or middle school to high school.
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